Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Should I replace my pillow? Yes, it's disgusting, nasty, and gross!!

     Well, Here's some nasty facts about your pillow you may not have known....
  • Dust mites.  They're living all around us, and they love your pillow.  You keep them nice and warm, and they just love the dead skin cells you give them for food.  Grossed out yet?  There's more....
  • It takes about 3 years for your pillow to double in weight.  Where does that weight come from?  Mostly dust mite droppings.  That's all I have to say about that.
  • Mold, mildew, and fungus.  Your pillow absorbs small amounts of bodily fluids from you at night.  Not a lot, but coupled with the warmth from your head and a dark environment, it's the perfect storm.
So, still want to hold on to those old pillows?  Here's a few more reasons why you need to 
swap those old ones out...
  •  Support.  You're pillow makes up about 20% of your overall sleep surface.  If you're pillow is as flat as a pancake, your entire body is out of alignment!  
  • Lumps and bumps.  If you're pillow is lumpy, kick it to the curb!   Might not seem like a big deal, but comfort is just as important as support!
     Most experts agree that you should change out your pillows every 18-24 months anyway so what kind of pillows should you get?  My personal preference is latex pillows.  Not only are they extremely comfortable, but latex pillows naturally resist all of the above mentioned problems!  Plus, when you're latex pillow does get a little dirty, you can wash it clean and it won't get lumpy from it.  Latex pillows are a little more pricey than regular pillows, but they will treat you better for much longer!  That being said, if your pillows are bad, get whatever pillows you can afford!   There are great memory foam, down, feather, fiber fill, and even buckwheat pillows out there.  Shop around!  Check out Rhett and Link's funny video about pillows below. 

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