Monday, January 3, 2011

Guinness World Record: Worlds Largest Mattress

     Holy bedbugs, Batman!  You are looking at the worlds largest mattress here.  I have to say, I want one.  Made by Italian mattress maker Fariello Materassi, this mega sized mattress is the size of 100 full size mattresses put together.  It contains roughly 40,000 coils, stands 3 feet tall, and weighs in at over 6 tons!  I really don't know much about this mattress maker, but they certainly know how to attract attention.  Do I see pillows on there too?  I hope no one there is allergic to feathers!  I don't know what they did with the monster mattress afterwards, but I'd love to have it!  Can I get free delivery with that? 


  1. I like big beds and I cannot lie - Sir Mark a lot

  2. How big was this mattress?
